Dizzy while pregnant
Whenever I stand up, I get black spots in front of my eyes for a moment or two and feel dizzy. Is this normal?
Although fainting during pregnancy is more unusual than you would expect, dizziness is extremely common. The reasons for dizziness are varied.
In the beginning of the pregnancy, your system is struggling to cope with the increased demands. Your body is producing extra blood to meet these demands – but sometimes the supply just can’t match the demand. Generally if you take care of your diet and lifestyle (such as some gentle exercise and enough rest) then this situation will rectify itself. As the pregnancy advances, your uterus is growing and its size may exert pressure on your blood vessels. Again, this is not serious, just a sign to take good care of yourself. You may also experience slight anaemia, which your doctor will probably check for at every visit. The demands of pregnancy mean that your iron supplies can easily be depleted, and it may be worth asking your doctor to recommend a good iron supplement that is easy to digest and does not cause nausea.
If you stand up quickly, there is a rush of blood away from the brain. This can cause the dizziness you are experiencing. So try to be a little careful and slow when you change position, and this could reduce the dizziness.
Another cause of dizziness can be low blood sugar or dehydration. Your food and drink requirements are changing as the pregnancy progresses, and if you drink 6-8 glasses of water per day and also pay attention to your diet, you can avoid some of the symptoms of pregnancy. Keep some healthy snacks on hand for when you suddenly feel light-headed. Try to eat small regular meals which include a good portion of lean protein, as this is a good way to regulate your blood sugar. A stuffy environment is also a reason for dizziness. Just be aware that you overheat easily, and move to a cooler place if you feel too hot.
If the dizziness is persistent, then you should try to get some extra blood to your brain. The easiest way to do this is to lie down with your head lower than your feet – for example, lie with a pillow under your feet and not under your head. If you are not in a place where you can lie down, the next best option is to kneel down on one knee as though you were putting your shoe on. Do not forget to mention your dizzy spells to your doctor at your next visit.
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*Important : The information provided is for information purposes only. No medical diagnosis or prescription can be inferred or is implied. Please consult your doctor for medical advice.