
Reasons for Inducing

Can you explain why my doctor might induce my labour?

The first obvious reason is if the mother or baby has an illness known to the doctor and he needs the labour to start. The obvious example is preeclampsia, in which the pregnant woman’s blood pressure rises and poses a threat to both the baby and the unborn child. If the situation allows, then the doctor will induce labour. Otherwise preeclampsia often results in a ceasarian birth.

As the pregnancy moves towards the 40th week, your doctor will be keeping close eye on both you and the baby. Depending on your doctor’s point of view, you may be allowed to continue the pregnancy up to 42 weeks if all seems well. But it is very unusual for a doctor to allow a pregnancy to carry on past this limit. The size of the baby and the condition of the placenta become increasingly worrying to the doctor around this time, and induction may be the best route.

What your doctor will be checking for are any signs of distress from the baby such as increased heart beat, and also signs that your placenta is no longer adequate or that your amniotic fluid levels are low. Sometimes the fluids can leak out without you realizing it, and the baby could be at risk of infection. +27 (0)81 885 4683 

*Important : The information provided is for information purposes only. No medical diagnosis or prescription can be inferred or is implied. Please consult your doctor for medical advice.

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