
Changing her mind about a food

It’s hard to keep my baby happy. She will enjoy a food for a couple of meals, and then decide she does not like it. I am starting to dread meal times!

Does it help to know that this is a very common situation? The important thing is for you to keep your patience. Babies change their minds all the time about what food they like and what they don’t. It can be so frustrating when you think you have found a food that baby really likes, only to be met with a scrunched up expression of disgust! The taste of food is still a novelty for your baby, and it does not take much (feeling a bit tired or out of sorts) for a baby to decide that they are not going to eat that food.

The best solution is to have a back up planned. Offer the alternative. If the baby still is reluctant to eat, then end the meal on a cheerful note. If baby really is hungry he will soon learn that that is all that is on offer. Don’t try and force the baby or let the situation get out of hand. Just end the meal calmly. +27 (0)81 885 4683 

*Important : The information provided is for information purposes only. No medical diagnosis or prescription can be inferred or is implied. Please consult your doctor for medical advice.

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