
Financial Implications

I would really like to stay at home with my baby and I believe that I could live quite economically and that we could achieve this. Do you think it is worth the strain, or will the financial squeeze cause too much family stress?

You are going to have to sit down and work out exactly how much going to work costs. Taking into consideration travel costs, childcare expenses and the cost of maintaining a work wardrobe can be unexpectedly costly. Then you also need to do the sums to see if you realistically can make ends meet on one salary.

Having got the hard facts sorted out, you need to have a frank discussion with your spouse about this situation. How does he feel about the fact that he will be the sole bread winner. That you may not be able to afford to go on holiday? That you will have to really count every cent for the time being? It is important to listen to each other and be open and frank about this, because resentments can build up quickly and can be avoided if you are careful about this step.

Some employers are willing to give extended maternity leave, without pay, for up to around a year. It may be worth discussing this option with your employer. Then your job is still available for you should the financial stress get too much, or should you decide that you really would like to take up the benefits that work offers again.

Every family has to make the decision that suits their situation. Only you can decide on this, and whatever you decide will be the right decision for your family. That’s the most important thing. +27 (0)81 885 4683 

*Important : The information provided is for information purposes only. No medical diagnosis or prescription can be inferred or is implied. Please consult your doctor for medical advice.

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