Not wanting to eat
My baby is 7 months old. He doesn’t want to eat purity foods but does have a sweet tooth as he will eat the desserts though. Any suggestions?
Babies are commonly fussy eaters and also many of them realise early on that food is one was to keep their mother’s attention. Since your baby enjoys the baby desserts, an easy solution could be to start mixing a little bit of vegetable puree into the dessert. You can add a bit more vegetable every time until the baby is eating considerable amounts of the vegetable without realising it. Vegetables like carrot are sweet and often easily accepted by babies. You could also try mixing baby cereal into the dessert to make it more nutritious.
Although this is easy advice to give, and you are clearly in a difficult situation, try not to get too anxious about these problems that you are experiencing. Try and accept that your baby is a fussy eater, and just keep trying a variety of solutions. Babies change so fast, and there could be a simple reason for lack of appetite, such as teething. In a few weeks your baby may be eating everything in sight! Your baby will tell you if she is hungry. Even though it doesn’t seem like enough food to you, clearly she is satisfied with the amount. Having her weighed regularly at the clinic can help allay your fears, as the clinic will tell you very quickly if she is short of nourishment.
See also:
Eating – Snacking: baby eating all the time
Eating – To mash, or not to mash
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