What happens at a Caesarean birth?
In preparation to your coming surgical delivery, a catheter will be inserted to collect urine. The abdomen may be shaved and washed down with an antiseptic solution. In the operating theatre, sterile curtains will be positioned around your exposed pelvic. If you decide to experience the delivery awake, another drape will be arranged under your chin so you can’t see the surgery. If not already done, you will get an IV infusion to supply medications if they are needed and an epidural or a spinal block to start the anaesthesia.
After the anaesthesia has taken effect, the doctor will usually start with a horizontal incision in the lower abdomen. Probably you will feel an unzipping sensation but you will have no pain. Then a second incision is made in the uterus, opening the amniotic sac and emptying the fluid. Now the actual birth follows, either manually or with forceps. When the cord is clamped and cut, the doctor takes out the placenta and makes a routine check of your reproductive organs, before he stitches up the incisions.
See also:
Caesarean – Disappointment
Caesarean – Emergency
Caesarean – Implications of incision type
Caesarean – Partners
Caesarean – Feeling ashamed
Caesarean – Safety
Caesarean – Reason
Caesarean – Recovery

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*Important : The information provided is for information purposes only. No medical diagnosis or prescription can be inferred or is implied. Please consult your doctor for medical advice.