Water birth dangers
Are there circumstances under which a water birth would not be a good idea? I just want to know what my options are!
As with most your birth choices, there are situations under which a water birth is not recommended. Water births are generally only considered an option if the birth is low risk. The list below is a guideline, and you must be prepared to be guided by your midwife or doctor, as well as the water birth facility you plan to use, on this issue:
• Premature labour, mainly earlier than 37 weeks
• No multiple births (ie twins and triplets, etc)
• No breech presentations
• The mother should not be taking drugs such as tranquilisers
• Once waters have broken, the labour must commence within 24 hours
• The mother is infected with HIV
• The mother is running a temperature
• The mother is losing blood in excess of that expected for the ‘show’
• The baby shows signs of foetal distress such as elevated heart beat or meconium present

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*Important : The information provided is for information purposes only. No medical diagnosis or prescription can be inferred or is implied. Please consult your doctor for medical advice.